Friday, June 03, 2005

Dry Hair and Hazy? Don’t Worry!

Dry hair and hazy because usage hair dryer's effect heat or in firing the sun, or diffraction also since excessive chemical material deep shampoo's product that we utilizes. Don't worried, we can settle that problem.

Does cream bath or hair oxygen mask each 2 weeks once. While are condition wear hair short got better, adequately do 1 deep time a month. Give hair serum or hair tonic each depleted hair batch.

If wants to dry hair by use of hair dryer, choose bottommost heat and keeps distance among tool by wear hair short minimal 30 cm that not very near.

In the short run, avoid electric tool using up on wears hair short. Utilize cold water every time hair batch. Avoid hair color, unbending or blond even hair. Sit out until condition of normal hair is back. Draw the line always chemical substance using up on wears hair short.

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